Dorothy Dunnett Companion - 1st UK edition

by Elspeth Morrison

To fully appreciate the incredible scholarly depth of Dorothy Dunnett's works, most mortals have a copy of this book (or a masters degree in renaissance history!). From the dust jacket: "This is a guide - encyclopedic in scope and lively in tone - to the history against which Dorothy Dunnett's characters move, and a key to the extraordinary tapestry of contemporary quotation and allusion that gives the novels their rich sense of period." Arranged alphabetically, "this guide covers the HOUSE OF NICCOLO series (volumes 1-5), set in the fifteenth-century arena of trade and banking; and the LYMOND CHRONICLE, which delved into the intricacies of sixteenth-century politics and war. . . This is the ultimate - and indispensable - reference book for all Dorothy Dunnett readers."  This difficult-to-acquire hardbound edition has been re-published in paperback in 2001. A second hardbound edition covering the entire 8-novel House of Niccolo series was published in the UK by Michael Joseph in May of 2002. 

Both editions should be used for reference, as there are many entries in the first volume that do not appear in the second, and vice-versa.

I was able to acquire this as-new copy thru a friendship with another UK book dealer who connected me with Beau Marie Books in Wales. Beau Marie Books did not list books on the internet at that time (1-4-00).